5 04, 2022

The Biggest Lie in the World…

By |April 5th, 2022|Film Production|Comments Off on The Biggest Lie in the World…

…is that Julie is The Worst Person in the World. In this relationship comedy-drama for a new age, there’s one glaring truth: there’s actually a little bit of Julie in all of us. The ‘temp’ gig you take whilst waiting for the ‘right’ thing to come along – which over time becomes a permanent [...]

9 01, 2022

Good Grief: the beguiling beauty of Petite Maman

By |January 9th, 2022|Film Production|Comments Off on Good Grief: the beguiling beauty of Petite Maman

Ah, grief. A thing that plagues us all in one way or another, and incidentally, is a hot topic for many of today’s filmmakers. Some of the best cinematic performances we’ve been blessed with in recent years have been centered around it, especially in the horror genre – from Toni “I am your mother!” [...]

22 12, 2020

Direct Action: Christmas Content for an Isolated Audience

By |December 22nd, 2020|Film Production|Comments Off on Direct Action: Christmas Content for an Isolated Audience

I lie there, in my 3 day old pyjamas and cup of long forgotten cold tea as an unrelenting barrage of recycled tv of the last 20 years mixes with poorly directed seasonal films starring the same fish-out-of-water-twentyish-starry-eyed girl assault my senses and drive me towards an inevitable break in my sanity. In [...]

19 09, 2020

Premieres in the Pandemic: Is Virtual the New Normal?

By |September 19th, 2020|Film Production|Comments Off on Premieres in the Pandemic: Is Virtual the New Normal?

Disney’s decision to release Mulan on their digital platform, Disney+, was unexpected to some and predicted by others. However, what has shocked many is Disney’s decision to charge an extra $29.99 to view the live action remake, equivalent to £22.00 in the UK. The pandemic, which has forced people to stay in their homes [...]