
22 12, 2020

Direct Action: Christmas Content for an Isolated Audience

By |December 22nd, 2020|Film Production|Comments Off on Direct Action: Christmas Content for an Isolated Audience

I lie there, in my 3 day old pyjamas and cup of long forgotten cold tea as an unrelenting barrage of recycled tv of the last 20 years mixes with poorly directed seasonal films starring the same fish-out-of-water-twentyish-starry-eyed girl assault my senses and drive me towards an inevitable break in my sanity. In [...]

19 12, 2020

Coops-Crimes Against Creation: Visual Ecopoetry

By |December 19th, 2020|Music Video|Comments Off on Coops-Crimes Against Creation: Visual Ecopoetry

Cheung (2020) on Poetry defines ecopoetry as ‘emphasis on drawing connections between human activity—specifically the making of poems—and the environment that produces it, ecopoetics rose out of the late 20th-century awareness of ecology and concerns over environmental disaster’. Though the prefix ‘-eco’ makes ecopoetry’s link to the environment clear, Morse (2012) claims ecopoetry [...]

28 11, 2020

Pandemic and Performance: Theatre in the Time of the Internet

By |November 28th, 2020|Video Movements|Comments Off on Pandemic and Performance: Theatre in the Time of the Internet

An audience sits. The lights dim. There is a respectful silence as bated breath awaits for the start of a magical journey into the human experience. The performance commences. And you are immediately interrupted by the sound of your housemate turning on loud pop music in the other room. This is the world of [...]

2 10, 2020

Lawrence Abu Hamdan: Triptych of the ethical aesthetics

By |October 2nd, 2020|Visual Art|Comments Off on Lawrence Abu Hamdan: Triptych of the ethical aesthetics

Finalizing the modernist call between art and life, L. Abu Hamdan is both an artist and an audio investigator, working collaboratively with human- rights organizations, creating installations invested with the twofold status of artworks and pieces of evidence invested with judicial authority, admissible in courts. Innovative, unsettling, and multilayered, at the intersection with art [...]

25 09, 2020

Understanding the Nightmare in Edward Yang’s Terrorizers

By |September 25th, 2020|Film Movements|Comments Off on Understanding the Nightmare in Edward Yang’s Terrorizers

Few filmmakers embodied so fully an innate understanding of human perspective like Edward Yang. With unsparing perspicacity, Yang’s small yet extraordinary body of work shrewdly observed figures navigating the fraught expanse of globalization, a paradigmatic shift Yang and his generation witnessed in their native Taiwan after decades of brutal repression under the ruling party. [...]